Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

If you stumble upon this by chance, stick around and read something about today, for your day. You just might enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Today's Proverb on Proverb and Counter Proverb is "A Bad Worker Quarrels with his Tools"

So true. People who blame the tools and instruments needed for a certain tasks cannot perform that task. If something goes wrong when you are doing something by yourself, then you only have yourself to blame. Tools are inanimate objects that have no reason or purpose to hinder you in progress. They aren't there to sabotage you my friend. It's just your own fidelity. So this ties in with "If you fail, try again." Basically either learn from your mistakes and correct them the next try or find a new approach to the issue. If neither works, then find help! I am pretty guilty of not doing any of the three although I don't "argue" with my tools. I'm just too lazy and ignore it because certain aspects of my beliefs say that it is a waste of energy. Still, I'm working on correcting this bad habit and if you're like me, I encourage you to do the same.
On a lighter note, only a moron would quarrel with his tools, thus morons are bad workers. That makes sense right?

Counter Proverb: "A moron quarrels with his tools, while a genius wins the argument."

Vince Notes: Work on to self-improvement and don't let things hinder it. Self-improvement is key in every aspect of life so endulge in it.

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___( , ,){The Mousie says, "I'm here subbin' for the Bunnie!"}

Monday, October 30, 2006

Today's Quote on Famous Last Words is "I Know Where We Are"

This quote refers to two different scenarios. This first is when a person, usually with a group, is lost. Most of the member acknowledge being lost, while this moron denies the fact that the group is lost. He usually says he knows how to get to their destination from the lost position. I say he, because it is usually the male sex that do not admit being lost and refuse to ask for directions. The fatality chance depends on the foolish pride of the person. The more pride and stubborn the person is, the more likely it is for the group to end up dead. So just suck it up and find help.
The second scenario is when a person says the quote when that person recognizes a place they've seen before. This is more of a stretch because the person has to realize that the place they recognize was once or still is a dangerous place. Say for instance, a cliff is famous for weak ledges and breaking, and a person knows this and says that, chances are that person will fall off and die. Replace the cliff for places that are known for kidnapping, murder, robbery, or whatever, and you'll get the idea. Like I said, it is a bit of a stretch (actually a lot of what I say is a bit of stretch, well sometimes...). By the way, this is more in junction with the female sex, because of the "presumed" vulnerablilty of females, whatever the fuck that means.

Vince Notes: I Know Where We Are - It's either no you don't dumbass, or shut-up and leave dumbass. Or else, you can just die! Enjoy your day!

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "It's good to switch once in a while."}

Hello again! I've returned from my hiatus. It's really more of a break, but a hiatus sounds more professional. In hindsight, it seems silly to take a break with only two weeks of material and exposure. It seems better to just quit. Yet, I wanted to take some time to take care of some school business. I'm working on declaring my major, possibly a double major. I also decided that when I have mid-terms, term papers, or finals, I would take a break or "hiatus." Now that my explanation is finished, I shall continue with Sunday's and Monday's topic. Yes, I am still a little late, but school comes first!

Sunday's Combo on Combo of the Week is "Cyclops Infinite in XVSF"

Start a new topic on a new week with a easy one.

XVSF stands for X-men Versus Street Fighter, the first of the famous VS series. It takes the engine of the game Marvel Super Heroes and tweaks it a little (which took the engine of X-men: COTA and tweaked that a little).

Here's a glossary of used terms:
s = stand
c = crouch
j = jump
sj/^ = super jump
p = punch
k = kick
l = light
m = medium
h = hard

Here's the basic core of the combo:
s. mp ^ sj.lp, sj.lk, sj.mp, sj.mk, sj.hp, sj.hp, j, and repeat with j. lp...

Variations depend on character and the space of the character and Cyclops.

So basically you want to get in the launcher which is either s.mp or c.mk. S.mp is easier because you super jump by just pressing up after the hit where as c.mk requires a manual super jump (which is done by pressing down, then up). To set-up the launcher its best to start with a fast, quick hit like s.lk. S.lp and c.lk work well and have their perks, but s.lk will be your best option.
Once you launch the character, you start off the combo and when you reach sj.hp you have two options: you can hp in the air again and fall then normal jump and continue the combo again or you can jump (because Cyke can double jump) after the second sj.hp and start another magic series (chain combo). The first option is the easier one, so it's better to learn that first before the second option. The second option is only looks fancier and doesn't have any advantages to the first option with exception to certain characters. Once you land on the ground you jump immediately and hit with a j.lp to start the combo again. At the end of the j.hp (you can only do one j.hp unlike sj.hp which you can do up to three before you land again) you double jump and start from j.lp and repeat. It's faster to kill this way. You have to manage the air space of the opponent to not stray too far from your hit box range, but it should not be a problem. You also need to make sure the opponent doesn't fall to the ground, which is the a big problem! Once you get a feel for it, it's second nature.

Let's take a look on the variations by character
Average-sized characters: Akuma, Bison, Charlie, Cyclops, Dhalsim, Gambit, Ken, Rogue, Ryu, Storm

Average-sized characters are the ones to do the core combo on. No need for special variations. If you try anything special actually, you might screw up the combo. Cyclops is a bit tall so he has a small variation for the combo. After the first sj.hp, you can add in either a sj.lp or sj.lk before the second sj.hp. It technically kills faster than the core combo, but it risks hitting the opponent to high for the second sj.hp to connect and ending the combo. It's a challenge, but not worth it in general. You could try it on Bison, Charlie, Gambit, and Rogue as well, but it's even harder, so don't bother.

Light-sized characters: Cammy, Chun-Li, Wolverine

Light-sized characters actually are harder to do the core combo on because they fly to high per hit. You actually have to take out certain hits to allow them to stay in hitting range. The best way is to actually remove all but two hits. The start up is the same, but you can leave out either sj.mp or sj.mk. It's better to do the first option of not jumping after the second sj.hp because you risk leaving the character from your hit box range. So just fall and after you jump, the combo you repeat is only j. lp, j. hp, double jump, j. lp, j. hp, fall and jump and repeat. Doing the regular combo ensures you to hit the characters to high out of your reach unless you slowly time the hits between, which risks giving enough time to block. So it's best just to do the two hits. It goes by pretty quickly as well since the main damage of the combo is hp anyway. Wolverine is a little bit heavier than the two girls, so you can sneak in a j. lk, j.mp/j.mk in, to get two or three hits a jump, but it's not necessary.

Heavy-sized characters: Juggernaut, Magneto, Sabertooth, Zangief

Heavy-sized characters give you a the chance for more damage, the most being with Juggernaut. The basic perk of the extra damage is just adding a sj. lp and sj. lk before the second sj.hp. You could even sneak a sj.mp or sj.mk. This falls for Sabertooth and Zangief.
For Magneto, because he falls so damn fast, you probably can only add an extra sj.lp or sj.lk. What makes him different than Cyke is that Mags falls so fast thatn you may need to actually add that extra hit in case you lose focus and need to recover. Juggernaut is the best to combo on because of his fall rate and his body size. You can actually do a whole chain between the two sj.hp's depending on the air space of you and Juggs. This means more damage on the character with the most stamina. It's just more fun. Of course like Mags, you'll need to be aware of Juggs's fall speed.

And that is today's combo!

Vince Notes: Cyclops Infinite in XVSF - A simple infinite after practicing a couple of times. Just get a "feel" of the combo and how high it launches each character. Learn for each character and you'll get the gist of it. You'll know what to do in every situation then. It is so fun!

( ' . '){The Bunnie says, "It keeps going and going and going..."}

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Two days late again

Saturday's Topic on Fuck This Shit is "This blog"

Ya that's right I said it! Fuck this shit! This is stupid! THis entry is probably the smartest advice I've given and it's to ignore this. This is just a waste of bandwidth.

On a brighter note, I've decided on Sunday's topic and that is, Combo Of the Week. I will display some combo (easy or hard) from a random fighting game and then talk about it because I have nothing better to talk about. I have no fuckin' life. The Sunday entries will start next week as because I feel like starting over then. I may or may not have a week hiatus which I should have done for the my midterm last week.

Vince Notes: This blog - Fuck it! Also, don't forget to take a break from stupid shit when you have pieces of shit called mid-terms.

( ' . '){The Bunnie says, "Look I see words above me!"}

Friday, October 20, 2006

Today's Topic on Randomania is "Hot Dogs"

Haha! No real topic today because I'm too focused on an NBA fantasy league draft. I drafted in six leagues already and today will be the seventh. Here are some basic tips on drafting in fantasy leagues: 1) Make sure to get a good big man like a center or a power forward early. 2) Just as important are the point guards because those are your main sources of assists. 3) Have one good player known to be a scorer, usually shooting guards and small forwards, by the fifth or sixth round. 4) Have a balanced roster. Usually I like to have players that play more than one position. For instance, players that can play power foward and center or can play shooting guard and small forward. Also have around three players who can play each position so you'll never have empty starters when you have a lot of players playing. You'll get clogged up on who to play but that will be based upon how well your managing skills are.
I'm not some expert on fantasy leagues, but winning one and being second place in two more in one year is not bad at all.
Back on topic however, hot dogs are delicious. You usually will eat hot dogs that are already salty. Thus people who want even more salt would put ketchup or catsup. People who already think the hot dog is salty enough can put ketchup/catsup as well because it can be sweet, mustard for bitter (honey mustard works wonders for your sweet tooth), and relish for more sweet goodness. I usually eat hot links (sausages made of beef with four types of hot peppers that I are unaware of the exact species) with relish. Yum!

Vince Notes:Hot Dog - People like to eat hot dogs different ways. Salty or sweet, it's your choice on the condiments. Fantasy basketball also has nothing to do with hot dogs, but it's really fun.

( ' .'){The Bunnie says, "Bunnie v1.2 has a mouth!"}

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Uh Oh! I'm two days late on Entries! I was studying for a midterm for Tuesday. I guess I'll do three entries. Thursday will come a little early this week.

Tuesday's Proverb on Proverb and Counter Proverb is "Look Before You Leap"

This proverb is pretty wise. I mean, it's just smart to check ahead to see what obstacles you might have in the future and try to avoid them. Yet, there will always be a chance of the unexpected no matter how prepared you are. So I say why not take a chance in life? Sure, plan ahead for things that are important, such as work or school as a whole, but not so much of the little things. I mean planning out studying is just retarded. It is extremely inefficient and I am totally am efficiency maniac. I walk while limiting my arms from moving forward and back to a small degree (of course if you were thinking why don't I just keep my arms to the side and keep it from swaying, it's because keeping my arms on the side causes me to actively to resist my momentum and that costs energy which counters the idea, but of course you knew that right?). If you plan out all your studying, sure you might cover a huge broad area and understand certain parts better than others depending on where you focus, but there's no way you can plan for unexpected formats of questions. So you can "look look look" you want, but when you decide to "leap," some shit might happen and you'll land on a big pile of shit. Plus you also wasted huge amounts of energy and effort on so many little things that probably you will forget by the end of the test or whatever, let alone be important throughout your life. Yes, I am just venting on my studying habits and superficially justifying them.

Counter Proverb: "Unless you can look at it all, just leap carefree!"

Vince Notes: Look before you leap - Sure, it's good to look before you leap but something might adversely affect you right before you leap or even after you leap unexpectedly. So why bother? It's only efficient when you do it on a bigger scale, one which you can actually "see" the whole field and know where to avoid.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "I leap all the time without looking!"}

Wednesday's Fortune on Mmmm....I Can See... is "You will learn something today"

This is probably the one of the lamest fortune's you will receive from me ever, and just to be clear, it came from a real fortune cookie I had. Of course, everyone knows that fortune cookies are not even Chinese right? Well then, go on! Learn something today. You know you will.

Vince Notes: You will learn something today - self-explanatory. Now do something with that knowledge because knowledge is power!

( , , ){The Bunnie says, "I'm a genius!"}

Thursday's Reminiscent on When I Was Your Age... is "Food was Food"

I'm still on a rampage about organic foods. This has to do with one of the dining columns (I don't even know if that's what DC really even stands for in my school). The good old Crossroads dining has turned into bigger shit. I never really enjoy what their daily specials when I used to go there. No offense to the chefs there, but it's obvious why they are there and not at a luxirious five-star hotel cooking for A list actors. So I just usually relied on the "necessities" bar, or better known as the veggies section. Everything for a salad, and then some. Of course they had great celery! Glorious celery how I love thee! Just for those interested in losing weight, (looks at many of the people of the female gender who have unusual beliefs in their weight being too much, stretching to the point of a hyperbole) celery stalks take more energy to break down than it gives the body. So that's awesome! Let's all start eating celery in every meal! You know there would be a catch. Celery by itself does that. You can't have dressing! Haha! Fortunately, I love eating celery by itself. It's just like drinking water. Dressings are tremendously fattening. Yes, I said it! Fat for you! Even low-fat won't make it okay. It may lower the FATTENING part, but it still hinders the affect. Which brings on to my next point. Dressing is all organic. Organic food tastes like shit and we all know by now that organic food is more expensive but not that much better.
All I'm saying is why can't we just have food. No need for classifications. I just want something to eat and something that tastes EDIBLE! That's a keyword. Jesus! I know more about nutrition now than I did before so I can watch what I eat. Don't sacrifice my taste buds for ignorant people who eat only shit and no nutritional value what-so-ever by forcing everyone to eat organic food. This is probably why I have a huge hunger problem this year. Before I would eat very little and be full. Now I need to eat ten times of what I ate before just to stay full for a pathetic three hours. FUCKING BITCH!

Vince Notes: Food was food - Food used to be just that. Food. Now it's all about health and nutrition and false, urban beliefs on what real nutrition is. The result comes in the disgusting tastes of organic food. Do everyone a favor and go out to a bookstore and pick up a book about micronutrients (vitamins and minerals and so on) and learn about how much and what specifics you should eat, not just eating some "better and healthier" version of shit that has shit in it. Shit will always be shit. Unless it's bat shit. Guano is delicious!

( , ,){The Bunnies says, "Celery sticks now! GO GO GO!"

Monday, October 16, 2006

Today's Topic on Famous Last Words is "I Still Live"

This quote is from Daniel Webster. I find it quite hilarious. The fact that you are relieved in knowing you survived some fatal ordeal and die immediately right after is downright funny. Okay, so it is a bit morbid as well, but taking it lightly lets you take it, well, lightly. I usually see this quote being yelled out because of the extreme happiness the person is still alive. Yelling allows whatever that was going to kill you to find you, unless the killing agent is non-sentient. If it's non-sentient, yelling makes you use energy and makes you stay in one place usually as you shout in glory, which may eventually stall you from getting away the death trap. A little bit ironic it is, but it is what it is.

Vince Notes: I Still Live - Think it if you want, even utter it, just don't be a dumbass and shout it. Then again, who has time to think during the adrenaline rush? Good luck to you "in case some shit happens," and enjoy your day!

( , ,){ The Bunnie says, "I STILL LIVE, but I can't talk."}

Today's Topic is "Changing Sunday's"

Obviously the Sunday topic is going to be changed. This is the cause of my knowing very little of religions, thus giving me no authority to talk about it. I don't want to tell people things that could be very well wrong (but don't worry about the first two because I've done my research, well, actually more like a little). I'll reveal Sunday's new topic next week when I finally decided upon what theme I'd like to go with. Also, today there will be no Bunnie.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Today's Topic on Fuck That Shit is "Organic Food"

Organic food is a crock of shit. Albeit it, organically grown food is more nutritious than non-organic food, but not much. I mean when you go to a supermarket to buy "fresh produce," how fresh is it really? I mean that food isn't just grown in the store. It has to come from somewhere, and I bet somewhere far. Far enough for the food to be transported via semi-trucks, and we all know how healthy semi-trucks are with their gases and fumes everywhere. They get into the organic food, and then all of a sudden your organic food has chemicals. Isn't that delicious? The other thing that "fresh produce" isn't so fresh is that fruits are glossed over with wax to keep the coat shiny. First, I don't think eating wax is all that healthy. Two, the wax only protects the coat from rotting. The meat inside the fruit still matures and eventually rots. Gross shit if you ask me. Plus, remember that all you people eating organic food are paying more for this shit. You're probably still lacking the optimal amount of nutrients you really need in a daily diet, even you vegetarians. I mean, please, no one eats at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Don't even lie to me that you do. If you really do, you have too much time on your hands, jesus, but I do applaud you for the diet. The only real way to get authentic, organic food is to grow them yourselves in a garden you planted yourself. It's a nice hobby. So don't bullshit me and yourself by buying organic food.

Vince Notes: Organic Food - It's still not that healthy and more expensive. Being healthy comes from the right amounts of nutrients in your diet, not how "healthy" the food you eat is. The "healthiest" spare rib won't have any anti-oxidants or barely any. You want real organic food? Then plant them in your own garden.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Grow that shit!"}

Friday, October 13, 2006

Today's Topic on Randomania is "Anti-Oxidants and Free-Radicals"

Have you ever heard someone talkin about nutrition referring to anti-oxidants or free-radicals? If you have, you may have ignored the two phrases because you probably don't know what they are. If you do, awesome, you probably know more than me. If you don't, allow me to educate you about nutrition. Free-radicals are "bad" oxygen molecules in that they take away one electron from another oxygen molecule and makes that molecule unstable to keep the free-radicals stable. This unfortunately creates a chain reaction because as one molecule takes an electron from another, a new free-radical is created. This causes mutations and diseases such as cancer in cells, and we all know that's bad. So how do we fight this? That's where anti-oxidants come in. Anti-oxidants are oxygen molecules that are stable with or without an extra electron. Thus, the anti-oxidant can give an electron to a free-radical and both molecules are stable and everybody's happy. The more common to everyday people sources of anti-oxidants are Vitamin A, C, and E, Coenzyme Q10, and manganese. Some good stuff to learn in nutrition. So stay healthy everyone!

Vince Notes: Anti-Oxidants and Free-Radicals - Free-Radicals are bad and may cause diseases like cancer while Anti-Oxidants helps us fight against them. Take in Anti-Oxidants in your diet now so you can stay healthy.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Fruits and Veggies equals Anti-Oxidants!"}

Yesterday's Reminiscent on When I Was Your Age was "Windows 3.0 was used"

Haha! The earliest of Windows I can remember. I believe 3.0 is the third version of Windows utilized in 1990. By the way, I forgot to update for Thursday so today I get to put two entries. I was playing online golf. Well I don't know how many people have used 3.0 or even know about its existence. By then Windows was already big selling about two million copies in the first six months. That shit was crazy man. I remember a "program" icon. Haha, the icon looked like a mini version of the computer "window." I had a weird mouse too, where the ball was on top of the mouse and your rolled the mouse by rolling the big ass ball. There were three clicks too: left, middle, and right. What the middle click does, I have no idea. It wasn't until five years that Windows 95 came out, but I didn't even know the transition back then because I was only a child. I was busy playin all the console games.

I like this yesterday idea because it looks back. It seems very symbolic.

Vince Notes: Windows 3.0 was used - I don't really have advice for today. I really have more of an input on writing, and that is you'll never know when you'll use literary devices and when you do, it makes you feel awesome.

( Y )
( , , ){The Bunnies says, "I'm a rodent! Click me!"}

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today's Fortune on Mmmm....I Can See... is "Today when you least expect it, you will be hungry!"

Haha so true. People never really can predict when they are hungry. I guess every five hours or so. I usually get hungry in the early morning (2-4 AM), when I wake up (7-11 AM), after class (2-3:30 PM), and at "dinnertime" (5-10 PM). So I'm pretty much a hungry bastard. Still, I avoid eating at late hours. It's really bad, but I skip breakfast as well. Then I eat a combo meal of lunch and dinner after class. I may or may not eat a meal for dinner, depending on what food I have in my room. Still, you should eat three square meals a day. Make that three balanced meals a day. Skipping meals is bad because most people don't get enough nutrients with the three meals they eat daily! So eat and eat right!

Vince Notes: Today when you least expect it, you will be hungry - Yes, eating is inevitable. It takes time from your day and you either enjoy it or you don't. People should eat balanced meals however, not just any junk, but I'm sure you all know that. Now you should actually do it. Don't skip meals because you'll need all the nutrients you can get. People should actually eat more than three meals daily to get an optimum amount of nutrients in their diet, but that's another topic.

( Y )
( , , ){ The Bunnies says, "Eat lots of celery! Trust me!"}

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Today's Proverb on Proverb Meets Counter Proverb is "A penny saved is a penny earned"

Saving every penny you have as a child is a good way to practicing how to save money. What you invest with it is something altogether different. Still, a penny is only so much. You can save a penny a day starting when you're five years old until you reach twenty-one, and the amount of money you will save is $350.42. Not bad I guess, but you can make that much in two weeks. A penny saved is indeed a penny earned, but it's still not that much.

So what should we do when it comes to saving pennies?

Counter-Proverb: "Save something more valuable."

Vince Notes: A penny saved is a penny earned - a good way to teach kids on being frugal and earnest. It's one way to not spoil a kid. Still, eventually saving pennies is dumb. I'd rather save the rain forest, the world, hell, even some innocent girls virginity. It'll be more practical if I save my money and invest it into stocks. If you get your stuff right, you'll be making more than just $43.80 a year. Haha, shit minimum wage makes more than that. Fucking bums make more than that!

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Time to get rich, Biotch!"}

Monday, October 09, 2006

Today's Quote on Famous Last Words is "This Doesn't Taste Right."

Many people tend to stick around a certain diet of foods. They stick with it because it tastes good to them. How good it actually is for you of course is usually a different scenario. I guess you can say that if it "doesn't taste right," it is actually good for you. That, however, is looking at food and beverages at a dieting perspective. Throught another view, when something doesn't taste "right," it means that it tastes differently than it usually does. The usual reaction to this is the person stops tasting whatever they put in their mouths. The problems with the food is that it maybe horribly bad, or it maybe just be a different style. Usually it's the latter, and we have little to worry. Many dishes have many styles of cooking and flavors, so just because it tastes differently it should not be a big problem. Only by trying new flavors can one really find a perfect liking to a dish or drink. The risk is that problem of something being wrong with it, hence it being the famous last words. Adventurers will have to take risks, I'm afraid. Enjoy your next meal.

Vince Notes: If it tastes bad, it usually is good for you. If it tastes bad, when it usually tastes good, then it's probably made not to your liking or horribly made. Otherwise, if it does not taste right, it maybe be horrible lethal for you but you got to take risks in life. We only live once in this world right?

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "It tastes all the same after digestion, poopy!"}

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Today's Topic on Holy Shit is "Judaism"

Being Jewish is pretty awesome. I mean, I'm not Jewish, but the perks of being Jewish seem pretty awesome already. The best deal to me with Judaism is the no belief in Hell. This is quite a practical belief in the sense of how it shapes people's attitudes. With nothing really bad to be afraid of after you die, you might as well make the best out of what your life is now. There is also a focus on the Earthly world. It's a good way to help people concentrate on working hard because Jewish people only get one chance at living the good life, and that's now. It helps motivation, and it seems to work. Stereotypically, Jewish people are one of the richest in America. The perks of the Jewish religion itself, I find a bit unclear. It is basically Christianity without Jesus and a few, but big differences. All in all, Judaism doesn't seem like a bad deal, as long as you are open-minded to look at different faiths and to find one that you personally will be devoted.

Vince Notes: Judaism is one of the oldest religions so you know that it's got to have something done right now. Jewish people probably have the greatest motivation perk because they do not believe in Hell. So if you ever need a motivation boost, be Jewish. Seriously, Judaism offers a similar but distinctive faith that anyone can tune with to Christianity. Hell, if it was me, I'd combine both Christianity and Judaism together to get the benefits of both religions: spiritual faith and ultimate motivation. Too bad I'm not religious.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Religion is hard to talk about!"}

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today's Topic on Fuck That Shit is "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy"

Haha! Saturday! Cal Football game today and we're kicking Oregon's ass. Well I have just watched a Lord of the Rings marathon, and I am quite angry that I wasted about six to seven hours of my life.

The first one is ok, no problems. I actually like it. The second one and the third one is where it is fuckin' retarded like the battle scenes and multiple story lines. The massive battle scenes where the armies are pit each other is cool at first. Okay, the CG is also impressive. I remember it being the biggest every done (or I should say the battle in the third movie). But that type of battle is should be set for a finale or so. I remember the second one has only one huge battle, but the third one has like two huge battles, with the first one being so fuckin' long! Now I know, that if I were in a real war battle like that, shit, it probably is long, most likely longer than the movie. But shit, while I'm watchin a movie, I don't want to see the same thing like for two hours! That reminded me of the long ass action sequence in Matrix Reloaded. Geez, I mean I have the attention span of, I don't know, a regular human being. I can't watch something in a movie like that without getting bored and annoyed. I mean in the LOTR, "Stand your grand! Prepare for war, FIRE!" and repetitive shit. Fuck man! I totally felt like I wasted six hours of my life. The multiple story lines are dumb too. I mean, usually multiple story lines are good, especially if they interwine with each other constantly, or not at all until the climax of the movie. Ever since dumbass, pussy-ass Frodo decided to split up with the only fucking way that the two dumbass hobbits probably could have even gone as far as they could, or also known as the three main heros, Frodo and Sam have been getting into dumb shit here and there. Frodo keeps gettin into dark frenzies and I go this is so stupid. He does it not once, not twice, not three times, not even four times, it does it so many times that I want to just take the ring and shove it down his throat and out is hobbity ass. When the movie goes to them, I just wanna go back to the other story lines, like the battles, but then they get repetitive too, and FUCKIN' SHIT I CAN'T ENJOY THE MOVIE! The only good things in the movies where the other two hobbits, not Frodo or Sam, get more interesting and do more interesting shit in the second and third movie. By the way, speaking of character development, what the fuck up is with Gandalf? Some fucking wizard he is. He's a pretty cool character, but as a wizard he fails horribly! Modern day magicians are more of a wizard than he is. Plus, why the hell does that motherfucker wield a sword? Huh?
I would like to read the books now, just to compare the movies with the novels. Maybe the novels can improve my opinion on the story. The first one deserved all its awards. The other two, I have no idea if they won any, but I'm sure they did, and I think they should win only half the shit it won, if any. But the CG is definitely deserved acclamiation.

Fucking LOTR trilogy: all hyped up and shit.

Vince Notes for today's topic: The Lord of the Rings - a horrible disappointment in general. Hyping anything will fail ultimately. Nothing can withstand the hype it portrayed, except for Third Strike, but no one really hypes or needs to hype Third Strike. Everyone knows it's fuckin' awesome.

( , ,){The Bunnie Says, "Mr. Frodo, you'd like me to suck your dick?"

Friday, October 06, 2006

Today's Topic on Randomania is "Why I'm Doing This"

Whoops a bit late on my entry I suppose. Well no matters, it's a Friday so no one should be reading this, if anyone reads this thing at all. Well, I felt like clarifying a few things about this thing. I'm not applying myself as some super know-it-all by offering wisdom. I just felt like writing stuff everyday just so people can read something for their everyday lives. If you find it witty or actually useful, then that makes me happy. If you don't, then you make me happy because you read this. Haha, that's right, I manipulated you. Muahaha! But ya, the real point I'm implying today is that everything here, from the following week and the future posts onward, are just an opinion. My opinion is mine to give and to form, and via this blog I am giving it to you. Your opinion, of course, is yours to decided. The only thing that I believe that we should all conform to in terms of opinion is common sense. You'll be surprised how much can be solved and prevented with just a little use of common sense.
Yes, this is not what I really meant by random posts or advice. I did not intend for it to be a potpourri format. Next Randomania and from here on out will be, I suppose, random. Of course, unless there is a need for something like this again. Thank you for your time everybody. Enjoy your day.

Vince Notes on today's topic: Why I'm doing this - I want to do something in my spare time. Opinions are based upon each individual. They are influenced and challenged differently and develop differently. The ruling factor of each opinion, however, should be common sense.

( , ,){The Bunnies says, "In my opinion, I'm cute!"}

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today's Reminiscent on When I Was Your Age... is "Pluto was a planet."

Now I'm not exactly at an age where I can share fabulous experiences with people like those that are more elderly that I. However, that does not mean I still don't have experiences in which huge changes have been made through time. For instance, Pluto used to be considered a full-sized planet when I was but a youth. Now it is considered a dwarf planet which I guess scientific experts consider different from regular planets, yet it still has a the term planet. There used to be time where our solar system....well first a tangent. Actually I have a problem with solar systems. Our sun is a star. It is the name of the star, the Sun. So should not we capitalize the name of the Sun? Futhermore, because solar is a adjective referring to the Sun, having multiple "solar systems" would be ridiculous. The only "Solar System" that would exist would be the star system, for a lack of a better term, of our star. The English language really ticks me off. Anyway, back on topic, our solar system used to have nine whole planets. These nine are a set, named after Roman gods. It seems weird to leave out one whole entity of a set just because some experts decide. I mean, now the system is eight planets and two dwarf ones. Wonderful. New shit to learn. I hate re-learning.

Vince Notes on today's topic: Pluto was a planet - the ex-ninth planet is now called a dwarf planet. Science changes too many things at random times causing many people the need to re-learn what probably will be useless knowledge, referring to the everyday life of course. That's why it seems pointless to learn sometimes, because someone else learns something new and changes stuff around and it is quite annoying.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Hey science people! Let's get to Mars first!"}

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Today's Fortune on MMMM....I Can See... is "A leaf will fall from a tree today"

I have seen the future! Your future and everyone's future! Today, a leaf will fall from a tree! Perhaps a leaf will from from two trees each, or even two leaves falling from one tree! It is a sign of ending. Something will end in your life today, but fear not! Once the tree's grow again, that thing in your life will very well revive! That is what I have seen in the future!

Vince Notes for today's topic: A leaf will fall from a tree today - Well no shit! It's a natural cause. Take it as it is.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "The future involves peanuts!"}

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Today's Proverb on Proverb meets Counter Proverb is "Be careful of what you wish for."

A nice example of foresight. Supposedly, anything in your wildest dreams can be the last thing you would want in your life. Perfect example of this is a generic guy who wants to have sex with some hot girl he sees around. The results may be a baby. You got what you wished for but then some. Serves you right dick! Yet, the problem is not in the wish. When people wish, they don't think ahead; they don't focus on anything but the good stuff. Seriously, it is ridculous to even plan about your wish. Why is this? It is because it's a wish. You don't have it or it's not true. The wish is not even real. So why would you know what the consequences are. I find the advice to be somewhat ridculous.

So what should we do when it comes to wishing?

Counter-Proverb: "Wish perfectly."

Vince Notes for today's topic: Be careful of what you wish for - Great foresight for everybody to apply. It'll keep you humble. Otherwise wish a perfect wish in nothing will go wrong, and maybe we can solve more problems in our world. Otherwise, don't wish. Don't be greedy or ambitious. It'll save you trouble.

( Y )
( , , ){ The Bunnie says, "I'd wish for carrots, but I got no mouth."}

P.S. Just reading about "breaking the fourth wall," so I thought I'd apply it to the Bunnie. Enjoy!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Today's Quote on Famous Last Words "Is it asleep?"

If people you know are asleep and you need to wake them up, by all means, do so. However, if an animal or a really large human being is asleep, please don't fuck yourself by fuckin' waking the damn thing up. First thing you hear are Z's, then the next thing you hear are angelic harps or roaring flames depending on you as a person.

Vince Notes for today's topic: Is it asleep? - Odds are that you do yourself a favor byleaving it asleep okay? If people want to wake up they have alarm clocks.

( Y )
( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Shut up damnit! I'm trying to sleep!"}

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today's Topic On Holy Crap is "Christianity"

Well come on, give me a break! It's the very first wise advice that I'm about to inflict to the world. Inflict like brain damage fuckers! Why not start on something easy? Christianity is a pretty easy topic to talk about. I mean it is the first thing that comes to mind when most Americans think about religion. I mean we should know all the gist of the story. People are Hebrews. They believe in their deity, God. Then the split becomes when the character Jesus Christ is created. Whoa! Hold on they're you heretical bastard. I can hear it now. Well, I'm not very religious, which means I'm definitely not Christian. Not to say I'm an Atheist. I just believe in a my own worldly religion. Whatever that means. Christianity is based upon the Bible, and the Bible, my friends, is none other than a novel. Okay, so what does this have to do with anything with my advice for you for today? Well, being Christianity is heavily bound by faith, its something to put your spirit into. Christians are either religious, doing most of what they do based upon the word of the Bible (which I feel is a horrible idea), or they are spiritual, doing things in which they put heavy belief and faith into (which is something I envy). Religious people are responsible for the Crusades, for slavery, for whatever discriminatory thing you can basically think of, well at least most of it. Spiritual people are what my friends are. Yes, I guess I am biased, but who the fuck isn't? Not to say all religious people are strictly religious as people can be both religious and spiritual, but the point is the there is a difference. So what is Christianity to you? The choice, like every choice in this world should be, is yours.

Vince Notes for today's topic: Christianity - Do it because you want to have faith to back on for everything you want to do. To have some higher strength you believe in. This of course doesn't just apply to only this religion but to all religions. Otherwise, religion is a no go. Please avoid daily if possible.

Enjoy your day!

( Y )
( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Holy Shit! I pooped myself!"}