Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today's Topic On Holy Crap is "Christianity"

Well come on, give me a break! It's the very first wise advice that I'm about to inflict to the world. Inflict like brain damage fuckers! Why not start on something easy? Christianity is a pretty easy topic to talk about. I mean it is the first thing that comes to mind when most Americans think about religion. I mean we should know all the gist of the story. People are Hebrews. They believe in their deity, God. Then the split becomes when the character Jesus Christ is created. Whoa! Hold on they're you heretical bastard. I can hear it now. Well, I'm not very religious, which means I'm definitely not Christian. Not to say I'm an Atheist. I just believe in a my own worldly religion. Whatever that means. Christianity is based upon the Bible, and the Bible, my friends, is none other than a novel. Okay, so what does this have to do with anything with my advice for you for today? Well, being Christianity is heavily bound by faith, its something to put your spirit into. Christians are either religious, doing most of what they do based upon the word of the Bible (which I feel is a horrible idea), or they are spiritual, doing things in which they put heavy belief and faith into (which is something I envy). Religious people are responsible for the Crusades, for slavery, for whatever discriminatory thing you can basically think of, well at least most of it. Spiritual people are what my friends are. Yes, I guess I am biased, but who the fuck isn't? Not to say all religious people are strictly religious as people can be both religious and spiritual, but the point is the there is a difference. So what is Christianity to you? The choice, like every choice in this world should be, is yours.

Vince Notes for today's topic: Christianity - Do it because you want to have faith to back on for everything you want to do. To have some higher strength you believe in. This of course doesn't just apply to only this religion but to all religions. Otherwise, religion is a no go. Please avoid daily if possible.

Enjoy your day!

( Y )
( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Holy Shit! I pooped myself!"}


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