Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Today's Topic on Randomania is "Anti-Oxidants and Free-Radicals"

Have you ever heard someone talkin about nutrition referring to anti-oxidants or free-radicals? If you have, you may have ignored the two phrases because you probably don't know what they are. If you do, awesome, you probably know more than me. If you don't, allow me to educate you about nutrition. Free-radicals are "bad" oxygen molecules in that they take away one electron from another oxygen molecule and makes that molecule unstable to keep the free-radicals stable. This unfortunately creates a chain reaction because as one molecule takes an electron from another, a new free-radical is created. This causes mutations and diseases such as cancer in cells, and we all know that's bad. So how do we fight this? That's where anti-oxidants come in. Anti-oxidants are oxygen molecules that are stable with or without an extra electron. Thus, the anti-oxidant can give an electron to a free-radical and both molecules are stable and everybody's happy. The more common to everyday people sources of anti-oxidants are Vitamin A, C, and E, Coenzyme Q10, and manganese. Some good stuff to learn in nutrition. So stay healthy everyone!

Vince Notes: Anti-Oxidants and Free-Radicals - Free-Radicals are bad and may cause diseases like cancer while Anti-Oxidants helps us fight against them. Take in Anti-Oxidants in your diet now so you can stay healthy.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Fruits and Veggies equals Anti-Oxidants!"}


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