Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Today's Quote on Famous Last Words is "I Know Where We Are"

This quote refers to two different scenarios. This first is when a person, usually with a group, is lost. Most of the member acknowledge being lost, while this moron denies the fact that the group is lost. He usually says he knows how to get to their destination from the lost position. I say he, because it is usually the male sex that do not admit being lost and refuse to ask for directions. The fatality chance depends on the foolish pride of the person. The more pride and stubborn the person is, the more likely it is for the group to end up dead. So just suck it up and find help.
The second scenario is when a person says the quote when that person recognizes a place they've seen before. This is more of a stretch because the person has to realize that the place they recognize was once or still is a dangerous place. Say for instance, a cliff is famous for weak ledges and breaking, and a person knows this and says that, chances are that person will fall off and die. Replace the cliff for places that are known for kidnapping, murder, robbery, or whatever, and you'll get the idea. Like I said, it is a bit of a stretch (actually a lot of what I say is a bit of stretch, well sometimes...). By the way, this is more in junction with the female sex, because of the "presumed" vulnerablilty of females, whatever the fuck that means.

Vince Notes: I Know Where We Are - It's either no you don't dumbass, or shut-up and leave dumbass. Or else, you can just die! Enjoy your day!

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "It's good to switch once in a while."}


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