Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today's Topic on Fuck That Shit is "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy"

Haha! Saturday! Cal Football game today and we're kicking Oregon's ass. Well I have just watched a Lord of the Rings marathon, and I am quite angry that I wasted about six to seven hours of my life.

The first one is ok, no problems. I actually like it. The second one and the third one is where it is fuckin' retarded like the battle scenes and multiple story lines. The massive battle scenes where the armies are pit each other is cool at first. Okay, the CG is also impressive. I remember it being the biggest every done (or I should say the battle in the third movie). But that type of battle is should be set for a finale or so. I remember the second one has only one huge battle, but the third one has like two huge battles, with the first one being so fuckin' long! Now I know, that if I were in a real war battle like that, shit, it probably is long, most likely longer than the movie. But shit, while I'm watchin a movie, I don't want to see the same thing like for two hours! That reminded me of the long ass action sequence in Matrix Reloaded. Geez, I mean I have the attention span of, I don't know, a regular human being. I can't watch something in a movie like that without getting bored and annoyed. I mean in the LOTR, "Stand your grand! Prepare for war, FIRE!" and repetitive shit. Fuck man! I totally felt like I wasted six hours of my life. The multiple story lines are dumb too. I mean, usually multiple story lines are good, especially if they interwine with each other constantly, or not at all until the climax of the movie. Ever since dumbass, pussy-ass Frodo decided to split up with the only fucking way that the two dumbass hobbits probably could have even gone as far as they could, or also known as the three main heros, Frodo and Sam have been getting into dumb shit here and there. Frodo keeps gettin into dark frenzies and I go this is so stupid. He does it not once, not twice, not three times, not even four times, it does it so many times that I want to just take the ring and shove it down his throat and out is hobbity ass. When the movie goes to them, I just wanna go back to the other story lines, like the battles, but then they get repetitive too, and FUCKIN' SHIT I CAN'T ENJOY THE MOVIE! The only good things in the movies where the other two hobbits, not Frodo or Sam, get more interesting and do more interesting shit in the second and third movie. By the way, speaking of character development, what the fuck up is with Gandalf? Some fucking wizard he is. He's a pretty cool character, but as a wizard he fails horribly! Modern day magicians are more of a wizard than he is. Plus, why the hell does that motherfucker wield a sword? Huh?
I would like to read the books now, just to compare the movies with the novels. Maybe the novels can improve my opinion on the story. The first one deserved all its awards. The other two, I have no idea if they won any, but I'm sure they did, and I think they should win only half the shit it won, if any. But the CG is definitely deserved acclamiation.

Fucking LOTR trilogy: all hyped up and shit.

Vince Notes for today's topic: The Lord of the Rings - a horrible disappointment in general. Hyping anything will fail ultimately. Nothing can withstand the hype it portrayed, except for Third Strike, but no one really hypes or needs to hype Third Strike. Everyone knows it's fuckin' awesome.

( , ,){The Bunnie Says, "Mr. Frodo, you'd like me to suck your dick?"


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