Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

If you stumble upon this by chance, stick around and read something about today, for your day. You just might enjoy it!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hello. I had internet issues last week on Wednesday and thus no updates for the rest of that week. I have a midterm today at 1pm so I've been working. So I decided to continue this "week" on Wednesday, since that's where I left off. It works out!

Today's Fortune on MMMM....I Can See... is "You will see something blue."

Ah, yes. Something of the bluish hue will catch your eye today. Be it a shirt, a building, or even the infinite sky, it will be there. It's nice to enjoy the colors of the world. Take some time off someday and just enjoy that pallette of everyday life. It can't hurt right?

Vince Notes: Enjoy a scenery once in a while. It'll do us all some good.

(^.^){The Bunnie says, "V1.3 has a fat head don't I?"}
C(") (")


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