Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Hello again! I've returned from my hiatus. It's really more of a break, but a hiatus sounds more professional. In hindsight, it seems silly to take a break with only two weeks of material and exposure. It seems better to just quit. Yet, I wanted to take some time to take care of some school business. I'm working on declaring my major, possibly a double major. I also decided that when I have mid-terms, term papers, or finals, I would take a break or "hiatus." Now that my explanation is finished, I shall continue with Sunday's and Monday's topic. Yes, I am still a little late, but school comes first!

Sunday's Combo on Combo of the Week is "Cyclops Infinite in XVSF"

Start a new topic on a new week with a easy one.

XVSF stands for X-men Versus Street Fighter, the first of the famous VS series. It takes the engine of the game Marvel Super Heroes and tweaks it a little (which took the engine of X-men: COTA and tweaked that a little).

Here's a glossary of used terms:
s = stand
c = crouch
j = jump
sj/^ = super jump
p = punch
k = kick
l = light
m = medium
h = hard

Here's the basic core of the combo:
s. mp ^ sj.lp, sj.lk, sj.mp, sj.mk, sj.hp, sj.hp, j, and repeat with j. lp...

Variations depend on character and the space of the character and Cyclops.

So basically you want to get in the launcher which is either s.mp or c.mk. S.mp is easier because you super jump by just pressing up after the hit where as c.mk requires a manual super jump (which is done by pressing down, then up). To set-up the launcher its best to start with a fast, quick hit like s.lk. S.lp and c.lk work well and have their perks, but s.lk will be your best option.
Once you launch the character, you start off the combo and when you reach sj.hp you have two options: you can hp in the air again and fall then normal jump and continue the combo again or you can jump (because Cyke can double jump) after the second sj.hp and start another magic series (chain combo). The first option is the easier one, so it's better to learn that first before the second option. The second option is only looks fancier and doesn't have any advantages to the first option with exception to certain characters. Once you land on the ground you jump immediately and hit with a j.lp to start the combo again. At the end of the j.hp (you can only do one j.hp unlike sj.hp which you can do up to three before you land again) you double jump and start from j.lp and repeat. It's faster to kill this way. You have to manage the air space of the opponent to not stray too far from your hit box range, but it should not be a problem. You also need to make sure the opponent doesn't fall to the ground, which is the a big problem! Once you get a feel for it, it's second nature.

Let's take a look on the variations by character
Average-sized characters: Akuma, Bison, Charlie, Cyclops, Dhalsim, Gambit, Ken, Rogue, Ryu, Storm

Average-sized characters are the ones to do the core combo on. No need for special variations. If you try anything special actually, you might screw up the combo. Cyclops is a bit tall so he has a small variation for the combo. After the first sj.hp, you can add in either a sj.lp or sj.lk before the second sj.hp. It technically kills faster than the core combo, but it risks hitting the opponent to high for the second sj.hp to connect and ending the combo. It's a challenge, but not worth it in general. You could try it on Bison, Charlie, Gambit, and Rogue as well, but it's even harder, so don't bother.

Light-sized characters: Cammy, Chun-Li, Wolverine

Light-sized characters actually are harder to do the core combo on because they fly to high per hit. You actually have to take out certain hits to allow them to stay in hitting range. The best way is to actually remove all but two hits. The start up is the same, but you can leave out either sj.mp or sj.mk. It's better to do the first option of not jumping after the second sj.hp because you risk leaving the character from your hit box range. So just fall and after you jump, the combo you repeat is only j. lp, j. hp, double jump, j. lp, j. hp, fall and jump and repeat. Doing the regular combo ensures you to hit the characters to high out of your reach unless you slowly time the hits between, which risks giving enough time to block. So it's best just to do the two hits. It goes by pretty quickly as well since the main damage of the combo is hp anyway. Wolverine is a little bit heavier than the two girls, so you can sneak in a j. lk, j.mp/j.mk in, to get two or three hits a jump, but it's not necessary.

Heavy-sized characters: Juggernaut, Magneto, Sabertooth, Zangief

Heavy-sized characters give you a the chance for more damage, the most being with Juggernaut. The basic perk of the extra damage is just adding a sj. lp and sj. lk before the second sj.hp. You could even sneak a sj.mp or sj.mk. This falls for Sabertooth and Zangief.
For Magneto, because he falls so damn fast, you probably can only add an extra sj.lp or sj.lk. What makes him different than Cyke is that Mags falls so fast thatn you may need to actually add that extra hit in case you lose focus and need to recover. Juggernaut is the best to combo on because of his fall rate and his body size. You can actually do a whole chain between the two sj.hp's depending on the air space of you and Juggs. This means more damage on the character with the most stamina. It's just more fun. Of course like Mags, you'll need to be aware of Juggs's fall speed.

And that is today's combo!

Vince Notes: Cyclops Infinite in XVSF - A simple infinite after practicing a couple of times. Just get a "feel" of the combo and how high it launches each character. Learn for each character and you'll get the gist of it. You'll know what to do in every situation then. It is so fun!

( ' . '){The Bunnie says, "It keeps going and going and going..."}


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