Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today's Reminiscent on When I Was Your Age... is "Pluto was a planet."

Now I'm not exactly at an age where I can share fabulous experiences with people like those that are more elderly that I. However, that does not mean I still don't have experiences in which huge changes have been made through time. For instance, Pluto used to be considered a full-sized planet when I was but a youth. Now it is considered a dwarf planet which I guess scientific experts consider different from regular planets, yet it still has a the term planet. There used to be time where our solar system....well first a tangent. Actually I have a problem with solar systems. Our sun is a star. It is the name of the star, the Sun. So should not we capitalize the name of the Sun? Futhermore, because solar is a adjective referring to the Sun, having multiple "solar systems" would be ridiculous. The only "Solar System" that would exist would be the star system, for a lack of a better term, of our star. The English language really ticks me off. Anyway, back on topic, our solar system used to have nine whole planets. These nine are a set, named after Roman gods. It seems weird to leave out one whole entity of a set just because some experts decide. I mean, now the system is eight planets and two dwarf ones. Wonderful. New shit to learn. I hate re-learning.

Vince Notes on today's topic: Pluto was a planet - the ex-ninth planet is now called a dwarf planet. Science changes too many things at random times causing many people the need to re-learn what probably will be useless knowledge, referring to the everyday life of course. That's why it seems pointless to learn sometimes, because someone else learns something new and changes stuff around and it is quite annoying.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "Hey science people! Let's get to Mars first!"}


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