Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

If you stumble upon this by chance, stick around and read something about today, for your day. You just might enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Uh Oh! I'm two days late on Entries! I was studying for a midterm for Tuesday. I guess I'll do three entries. Thursday will come a little early this week.

Tuesday's Proverb on Proverb and Counter Proverb is "Look Before You Leap"

This proverb is pretty wise. I mean, it's just smart to check ahead to see what obstacles you might have in the future and try to avoid them. Yet, there will always be a chance of the unexpected no matter how prepared you are. So I say why not take a chance in life? Sure, plan ahead for things that are important, such as work or school as a whole, but not so much of the little things. I mean planning out studying is just retarded. It is extremely inefficient and I am totally am efficiency maniac. I walk while limiting my arms from moving forward and back to a small degree (of course if you were thinking why don't I just keep my arms to the side and keep it from swaying, it's because keeping my arms on the side causes me to actively to resist my momentum and that costs energy which counters the idea, but of course you knew that right?). If you plan out all your studying, sure you might cover a huge broad area and understand certain parts better than others depending on where you focus, but there's no way you can plan for unexpected formats of questions. So you can "look look look" you want, but when you decide to "leap," some shit might happen and you'll land on a big pile of shit. Plus you also wasted huge amounts of energy and effort on so many little things that probably you will forget by the end of the test or whatever, let alone be important throughout your life. Yes, I am just venting on my studying habits and superficially justifying them.

Counter Proverb: "Unless you can look at it all, just leap carefree!"

Vince Notes: Look before you leap - Sure, it's good to look before you leap but something might adversely affect you right before you leap or even after you leap unexpectedly. So why bother? It's only efficient when you do it on a bigger scale, one which you can actually "see" the whole field and know where to avoid.

( , ,){The Bunnie says, "I leap all the time without looking!"}

Wednesday's Fortune on Mmmm....I Can See... is "You will learn something today"

This is probably the one of the lamest fortune's you will receive from me ever, and just to be clear, it came from a real fortune cookie I had. Of course, everyone knows that fortune cookies are not even Chinese right? Well then, go on! Learn something today. You know you will.

Vince Notes: You will learn something today - self-explanatory. Now do something with that knowledge because knowledge is power!

( , , ){The Bunnie says, "I'm a genius!"}

Thursday's Reminiscent on When I Was Your Age... is "Food was Food"

I'm still on a rampage about organic foods. This has to do with one of the dining columns (I don't even know if that's what DC really even stands for in my school). The good old Crossroads dining has turned into bigger shit. I never really enjoy what their daily specials when I used to go there. No offense to the chefs there, but it's obvious why they are there and not at a luxirious five-star hotel cooking for A list actors. So I just usually relied on the "necessities" bar, or better known as the veggies section. Everything for a salad, and then some. Of course they had great celery! Glorious celery how I love thee! Just for those interested in losing weight, (looks at many of the people of the female gender who have unusual beliefs in their weight being too much, stretching to the point of a hyperbole) celery stalks take more energy to break down than it gives the body. So that's awesome! Let's all start eating celery in every meal! You know there would be a catch. Celery by itself does that. You can't have dressing! Haha! Fortunately, I love eating celery by itself. It's just like drinking water. Dressings are tremendously fattening. Yes, I said it! Fat for you! Even low-fat won't make it okay. It may lower the FATTENING part, but it still hinders the affect. Which brings on to my next point. Dressing is all organic. Organic food tastes like shit and we all know by now that organic food is more expensive but not that much better.
All I'm saying is why can't we just have food. No need for classifications. I just want something to eat and something that tastes EDIBLE! That's a keyword. Jesus! I know more about nutrition now than I did before so I can watch what I eat. Don't sacrifice my taste buds for ignorant people who eat only shit and no nutritional value what-so-ever by forcing everyone to eat organic food. This is probably why I have a huge hunger problem this year. Before I would eat very little and be full. Now I need to eat ten times of what I ate before just to stay full for a pathetic three hours. FUCKING BITCH!

Vince Notes: Food was food - Food used to be just that. Food. Now it's all about health and nutrition and false, urban beliefs on what real nutrition is. The result comes in the disgusting tastes of organic food. Do everyone a favor and go out to a bookstore and pick up a book about micronutrients (vitamins and minerals and so on) and learn about how much and what specifics you should eat, not just eating some "better and healthier" version of shit that has shit in it. Shit will always be shit. Unless it's bat shit. Guano is delicious!

( , ,){The Bunnies says, "Celery sticks now! GO GO GO!"


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