Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

I was going to skip Saturday's entry on the count of the Cal Football Team losing to USC's. Then I realized that Saturday's entries are about being pisses so Saturday's entry will still be on, just a day late.

Yesterday's Topic on Fuck This Shit is "Cal Football"

This won't really be advice. This entry will just be more of a vent. First off, congratulations to USC. They executed perfectly. It was so obvious that everytime that Booty, the USC quarterback, had the ball and threw it it was good or at least safe. Juxtaposed with Cal's own Longshore, every pass was a scare because most of the time it happens to be near a Trojan.
Second problem was the usage of Lynch, Cal's running back and star player. The team used him so much in the first half that he probably burned out his two sprained ankles in the second half. What that means is then, with Longshore choking like a bitch in the second half he can't go to the running game with Lynch. No offense to Jackson, Cal's wide receiver, and Forsett, Cal's back-up running back or mini-Lynch, but nothing can replace the real Lynch's abilities. Longshore just stuck with the passing game which he was failing horribly in the second half. So that was a bad call on either Longshore or the coaching staff. I mean, I don't think I'm better at coaching footbal than anyone, but I just think that was a general flaw in the program's approach to the USC game. The third problem was the defense. It was decent in the first half, but in the second half, it just broke down. Cal's leading interceptor, Hughes was nowhere to be seen. I don't think I can complain about the defensive leader, Bishop because he seemed to do what he was supposed to do, but it's not a one-man team. We saw this earlier with the lack of using Lynch and relying on Jackson. Cal's team is good. It's even safe to say it's great. Yet, the team is lacking championship appeal and facing the Bush-less and Linear-less USC Trojan's team proves it.

By the way, USC is still the most unfair team to play against, because they recruit so badly it's not even fair. It's actually sad that they don't always win a national title annually with what they do each year with using money for players. Sad. Real sad. So ya, that's my shot at USC. Fuckers.

I shall return to a regular advice post later today for Sunday. It's another combo entry. I plan to make it a simple combo so it won't be so long like last time.

Vince Notes: Cal lacks spirit of champions, while USC is technically a failing team if they don't win a national championship. No real advice.

( Y )
(T_T){The Bunnie says, "Poor Cal football..."}


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