Wu the Modern-Day Philosopher

If you stumble upon this by chance, stick around and read something about today, for your day. You just might enjoy it!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Criminy! I really want to start some entries on stuff, but I know I want to start on a Sunday. Besides, it's only a day away since it is Saturday right now. Man! I'm pretty much exhausted, but all of a sudden, I have all these ideas to write stories in my head. Should I go ahead and just write? Wouldn't it just be a bunch of random shit stories?

Tomorrow I get to write about Religion! Are you ready? Ja, Hajimeru!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If you happen to stumble by this by chance, things will be begin on Sunday, Sept. 30.
This will be a site about everyday tidbits and a outlook on life, proverbs, philosophy, etc. Just whatever that comes into mind and I feel need to comment on! I have been working on this idea for about a couple of months and decided this will be the easiest way to just compose shit and have fun. Plus I am so fuckin' bored out of my mind that I need something to do everyday. I just need to find some way to post something at a constant schedule. I'll figure it out. Anyway, allow me to introduce what this, um, "thing" that you'll be reading will be about.

This will be the format of the everyday wisdom:

Sunday: Hm! The first day of the week. Wait a minute, I'm not Christian! What the fuck is this shit! My first day of the week is fuckin' Monday! I'm god damn Taiwanese! Sunday is the day of the heavens (at least I think so), so it can't be the first! Religion twists everything up! Sunday's format will be "Holy Crap!"

Monday: Because it is Monday, the first day of school or work and the day after the beloved weekend, this day will be dedicated to impending doom. Monday's format will be "Famous Last Words."

Tuesday: It's good to get yourself acquainted with proverbs. Whoever created these witty sayings are either geniuses or morons. I'll let you make the call. Then I'll give you a counter opinion what is suppose to be a good advice, A.K.A. a more cynical on life. By the way, everyday sayings that are cliche will also be included in this topic. Tuesday's format will be "Proverb meets Counter Proverb."

Wednesday: How many people believe in astrology? If I look into space, the only thing I can rely on is astronomy. What about fortunes? Do you really trust someone else to tell you your future? No, the damn question is can you trust that fucker at all? Well they are all fakes. Only I can tell your future! Wednesday's format will be "Mmmm....I Can See...."

Thursday: Isn't it nice to take a fresh breathe and look back at life once in a while? Reminiscing can be fun, but it can be sad as well. No worries, eventually all you can do is look back because the only thing forward for you will be death! Hahahahaha! Thursday's format will be "When I Was Your Age..."

Friday: Yay! It's Friday! It's the beginning of the weekend. It's time to play all day and screw work. Right? Right! It's time to get a little bit crazy tonight! What better way to get crazy than to do something random as shit? Friday's format will be "Randomania!"

Saturday: Can't go wrong with Saturday right? Gotta love me my Saturdays! Oh wait.. I had an accident on Saturday. Fuckin' A'! Fuck that shit! Fuck off you bitch! I'm just a cranky bastard that wants to persuade you to be angry all the time. It's fun, you bitch! Saturday's format will be "Fuck That Shit!"

Haha. Well that's that. It was pretty hard to come up with different topics per day and making them have a broad enough scope to last, or at least seems like it would last. I hope I remember to do this, granted if I have enough material to do this long enough. Maybe I should have planned this a year ago instead of a couple of months ago. Oh well, what can I do? I guess I can not do this, but fuck off motherfucker!

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( , ,) [The Bunnie says, "I hope you'll tune in everyday to read this!"}
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